Can You Freeze Burrata? Discover the Best Tips & Tricks Here!

Burrata cheese is a beloved delicacy known for its creamy and rich texture, often used in salads, pastas, and as a standalone appetizer. But what happens when you have more than you can consume in one sitting? Can you freeze burrata to save it for later? In this article, we will explore the best practices for freezing burrata cheese without compromising its quality.

The short answer is yes, you can freeze burrata. However, it is important to note that freezing may alter the texture and taste of the cheese. It is important to follow proper freezing and thawing techniques to maintain the quality of the cheese.

Key Takeaways

  • Burrata cheese can be frozen, but it may affect the texture and taste of the cheese.
  • Proper freezing techniques, such as wrapping the burrata tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and labeling with the date of freezing, can help maintain the freshness of the cheese.
  • It is recommended to store the wrapped burrata in the coldest part of the freezer and consume it within 1 to 2 months for best results.

Understanding Burrata Cheese

If you’re wondering whether burrata cheese can be frozen, it’s important to first understand what burrata is.

Burrata is a type of Italian cheese made from mozzarella. What sets burrata apart is its creamy and rich texture, due to the addition of a mixture of cream and curd. This soft and luscious interior is what makes burrata a beloved cheese among foodies and cheese enthusiasts alike.

While burrata is typically enjoyed fresh, it is still possible to freeze it. However, caution must be taken as freezing burrata can alter its texture and overall quality. Let’s explore the best practices for freezing burrata in order to ensure that it maintains its flavor and texture even after being frozen.

Freezing Burrata: Yes or No?

Many people wonder whether it is possible to freeze burrata cheese due to its delicate nature. The short answer is yes, you can freeze burrata. However, it is important to note that freezing may alter its texture and affect the overall quality. Freezing burrata cheese might affect its flavor profile, as the aging process is interrupted. Additionally, the texture might become slightly grainy or less creamy after freezing and thawing. Lastly, while frozen burrata might not be as perfect as fresh burrata, it can still be a great option for certain recipes or dishes.

Best Practices for Freezing Burrata

When it comes to freezing burrata, there are a few key tips to keep in mind. Firstly, it is recommended to freeze burrata in its original packaging or airtight container to maintain its freshness. This will also help protect the cheese from freezer burn and prevent moisture loss, which can affect the texture.

Secondly, it is important to wrap the burrata tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to keep it airtight. Make sure you cover the entire surface of the cheese to avoid any exposure to air, which can also cause freezer burn. Labeling the packaging with the date of freezing is also a good idea to track its shelf life.

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Freezing Tips for Burrata

If you prefer to freeze individual portions, such as for a single serving, you can wrap each piece in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and then store them in a larger airtight container. This will help prevent any damage to the delicate cheese and make it easier to thaw only what you need.

Another useful tip is to remove any excess moisture from the burrata before freezing. This can be done by gently patting it with a paper towel or napkin to absorb any remaining moisture. This will help to maintain the quality of the cheese and prevent ice crystals from forming, which can cause the cheese to become grainy.

Storing Burrata in the Freezer

Proper storage of frozen burrata is crucial to ensure its quality and freshness. When storing burrata in the freezer, place it in an airtight container or its original packaging to prevent any air from getting inside. Wrapping the burrata tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil will help prevent freezer burn and maintain its taste and texture.

It’s best to store burrata in the coldest part of the freezer, away from any strong-smelling foods that might affect its flavor. Make sure to label the packaging with the date of freezing, as burrata can typically be stored for up to 1-2 months in the freezer.

Thawing Frozen Burrata

When it’s time to enjoy your frozen burrata, it’s essential to take the right steps to thaw it properly. Improper thawing can lead to uneven thawing and affect the texture of the cheese.

The best way to thaw frozen burrata is to transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator. Let it thaw slowly overnight to bring it back to room temperature. Avoid thawing burrata at room temperature or using a microwave, as these methods can lead to uneven thawing and affect the texture.

Remember, patience is key when it comes to thawing burrata. Rushing the process can cause the cheese to become too soft or even spoil.

Using Thawed Burrata

Once your burrata is thawed, it’s still delicious and ready to be consumed, but it may have a slightly different texture than when it was fresh. Thawed burrata is best used in recipes that don’t rely heavily on the cheese’s original creamy consistency.

You can use thawed burrata in dishes such as salads or baked recipes, where the cheese is mixed in with other ingredients. It may not be suitable for serving on its own or in dishes where the smooth and creamy texture is crucial.

Remember that thawed burrata is not the same as fresh burrata. The texture and flavor may be slightly altered, so keep this in mind when using it in recipes. However, it’s still a great option for those craving burrata year round!

Freezing Fresh Burrata vs. Pre-packaged Burrata

If you’re wondering whether fresh burrata or pre-packaged burrata freezes better, the answer is not straightforward. Fresh burrata tends to have a shorter shelf life and is more delicate, so freezing may impact its quality more significantly. On the other hand, pre-packaged burrata that has been vacuum-sealed or already frozen will generally fare better in terms of texture and taste.

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Freezing Burrata Cheese: Other Considerations

Before freezing burrata cheese, it’s important to keep a few considerations in mind. Firstly, freezing burrata might affect its flavor profile due to the interrupted aging process. While it will still be edible, the taste and aroma might not be as pronounced as fresh burrata.

Secondly, the texture of burrata cheese might become slightly grainy or less creamy after freezing and thawing. This is because the water content in the cheese might separate during the process, affecting its original consistency. However, this change in texture might not be noticeable in dishes that require melted or baked burrata cheese.

Lastly, while frozen burrata might not be as perfect as fresh burrata, it can still be a great option for certain recipes or dishes. Using frozen burrata in salads or baked pasta dishes can add a unique twist to the traditional recipes. Keep in mind that thawed burrata is best used in recipes that don’t rely heavily on its original creamy consistency.


Freezing burrata cheese is a great way to extend its shelf life. However, it is important to remember that freezing may alter its texture and affect the overall quality. By following the best practices for freezing and thawing, you can enjoy frozen burrata in various recipes. It is recommended to freeze burrata in its original packaging or airtight container, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil, and store it in the coldest part of the freezer. When it’s time to enjoy your frozen burrata, make sure to thaw it properly by transferring it from the freezer to the refrigerator and let it thaw slowly overnight. Thawed burrata is best used in recipes that don’t rely heavily on its original creamy consistency, such as salads or baked dishes.

Is it worth freezing burrata?

While frozen burrata might not be as perfect as fresh burrata, it can still be a great option for certain recipes or dishes. Freezing burrata cheese is possible, but it’s important to be aware of the potential changes in taste and texture. By following the best practices for freezing and thawing, you can enjoy frozen burrata in a variety of ways. However, for the optimal experience, it is recommended to consume burrata fresh whenever possible.

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