How to Clean Your Microwave with Vinegar – Easy Guide

Cleaning your microwave doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right solution, it can be both easy and effective. And what better natural solution than vinegar?

Using vinegar to clean your microwave not only saves you money but also helps reduce your carbon footprint. Plus, it’s a natural and safe way to eliminate germs and bacteria from your appliance.

Why Vinegar is the Best Solution for Cleaning Your Microwave

When it comes to cleaning your microwave, vinegar is one of the best solutions out there. Not only is it a natural cleaning agent, but it’s also eco-friendly and cost-effective. Here are some reasons why vinegar is the best solution for cleaning your microwave:

  1. It’s natural: Vinegar is a natural cleaning solution that is free from harmful chemicals. This means that it’s safe to use around food and won’t leave behind any harmful residues.
  2. It’s eco-friendly: Vinegar is a natural product that can be easily found at any grocery store. This means that you won’t be contributing to the buildup of harmful chemicals in the environment.
  3. It’s cost-effective: Vinegar is an affordable cleaning solution that can be used for a variety of cleaning tasks. This means that you won’t have to spend a lot of money on expensive cleaning products.
  4. It’s effective: Vinegar is a powerful cleaning agent that can remove stubborn stains and grease from your microwave. This means that you won’t have to spend hours scrubbing your microwave.

Overall, vinegar is a great cleaning solution that can help you maintain a clean and hygienic microwave. Whether you’re trying to remove stubborn stains or just want to keep your microwave clean, vinegar is the perfect solution.

What You’ll Need to Clean Your Microwave with Vinegar

To clean your microwave with vinegar, you’ll need the following materials:

Microwave-safe bowl1
Vinegar1/2 cup
Water1/2 cup

Make sure the bowl you use is large enough to hold the vinegar and water mixture without overflowing while heating in the microwave. Also, make sure the vinegar you use is white vinegar, as it is the most effective option for cleaning.

Once you have these materials, you’ll be ready to start cleaning your microwave with vinegar!

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your Microwave with Vinegar

Cleaning your microwave with vinegar is an easy and effective way to remove dirt, stains, and unpleasant odors. Follow these simple steps to achieve a sparkling clean microwave:

  1. First, prepare the vinegar solution. In a microwave-safe bowl, mix equal parts of vinegar and water. You can use any type of vinegar, such as white vinegar or apple cider vinegar.
  2. Place the bowl in the microwave and turn it on for 5 minutes on high power. This will create steam and loosen any dirt and stains in the microwave.
  3. After the 5 minutes have passed, leave the bowl inside the microwave for an additional 5 minutes. This will allow the steam to circulate and further loosen any dirt and stains.
  4. Carefully remove the bowl from the microwave, using oven mitts or a towel, as it may still be hot. Be sure to dispose of the vinegar solution safely.
  5. Next, using a damp cloth or sponge, wipe down the inside of the microwave, including the walls, ceiling, and floor. You should be able to easily remove any dirt and stains from the microwave.
  6. For tougher stains, you can use a scrubber sponge with a bit of baking soda. This will help to remove any stubborn stains or residue.
  7. Finally, rinse the cloth or sponge with water and wipe down the inside of the microwave again, to remove any remaining residue. Your microwave should now be clean and odor-free!

Cleaning your microwave with vinegar is a quick and easy solution to maintaining a clean appliance. Using this method regularly can help to prevent the buildup of dirt and stains, ensuring your microwave stays fresh and germ-free.

How to Clean Different Parts of Your Microwave with Vinegar

Cleaning your microwave with vinegar is an effective way to remove grime and stains from all parts of the appliance. Here are some specific instructions for cleaning different parts of your microwave:


The turntable is the rotating plate at the bottom of the microwave. To clean it, remove it from the microwave and wash it in warm soapy water. Then, rinse it off and dry it with a cloth. If there are stubborn stains or dried-on food, use a vinegar and water solution to soak the turntable before washing it.

Interior Walls

The interior walls of the microwave are where most of the stains and grime accumulate. To clean them, dip a sponge or cloth into the vinegar and water solution and wipe down the walls. Make sure to remove any food particles or debris that may have stuck to the walls. For stubborn stains, let the solution sit for a few minutes before wiping it off.

Door and Control Panel

The exterior of the microwave can also get dirty from fingerprints and other smudges. To clean the door and control panel, dip a cloth into the vinegar and water solution and wipe them down. Make sure to dry the exterior with a cloth to prevent any water from getting into the microwave’s electronic components.

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Remember to always unplug your microwave before cleaning it and to avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbing pads that may damage the appliance’s surfaces.

How Often Should You Clean Your Microwave with Vinegar?

When it comes to keeping your microwave clean and fresh, using vinegar as a natural cleaning solution is a great option. But how often should you clean your microwave with vinegar?

The frequency of cleaning your microwave with vinegar will depend on how often you use it. If you use your microwave on a daily basis, it’s recommended to clean it with vinegar once a week. If you use your microwave less frequently, once a month should suffice.

However, it’s important to keep an eye on your microwave and clean it as soon as you notice any spills or stains. This will prevent the buildup of bacteria and odors, and will make your cleaning job easier in the long run.

Easy Microwave Cleaning Tips

  • Wipe down the exterior of your microwave with a damp cloth regularly to remove any dust or grime.
  • Use a microwave-safe cover when heating up food to prevent spills and stains.
  • Place a bowl of water with a few slices of lemon in your microwave and heat it up for a minute to freshen up the interior and remove any lingering smells.

How to Keep Your Microwave Fresh and Germ-Free

If you want your microwave to last longer and maintain its efficiency, regular cleaning is essential. But it’s not just about keeping it clean – it’s also important to keep it germ-free and smelling fresh. Here are some tips for keeping your microwave in tip-top shape:

Use natural cleaning solutions

Using natural cleaning solutions like vinegar is not only eco-friendly, but it can also help keep your microwave germ-free. Vinegar has natural antibacterial properties, making it a great alternative to chemical cleaners. Simply mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a microwave-safe bowl, microwave it for a few minutes, and wipe down the interior with a clean cloth.

Don’t forget to clean the exterior

While it’s important to clean the interior of your microwave, don’t neglect the exterior. Wipe down the outside of your microwave with a damp cloth and a few drops of dish soap. This will remove any fingerprints, grease, or grime that may have accumulated on the surface.

Cover your food

One of the easiest ways to prevent odors and bacteria from building up in your microwave is to cover your food while heating it up. This will prevent splatters and spills, making it easier to keep your microwave clean. You can use a microwave-safe cover or a paper towel to cover your food.

Clean spills immediately

If you spill food or liquid in your microwave, it’s important to clean it up immediately. Leaving spills in your microwave can lead to foul odors and bacteria growth. Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe up any spills as soon as they happen.

Replace your microwave filter

If your microwave has a filter, it’s important to replace it regularly. A dirty filter can cause your microwave to work less efficiently and can lead to unpleasant odors. Check your microwave manual to find out how often you should replace the filter.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your microwave fresh and germ-free. Regular cleaning and maintenance will not only help your microwave last longer, but it will also ensure that your food stays safe and hygienic.

Common Microwave Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

When cleaning your microwave with vinegar, it’s important to avoid some common cleaning mistakes that could damage your appliance or compromise its cleaning efficiency. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Using abrasive cleaners: Avoid using scouring pads, steel wool, or harsh abrasive cleaners to clean your microwave. These can scratch the surface and damage the interior of the appliance.
  2. Neglecting to clean the turntable: The turntable is an integral part of the microwave’s functioning, and it’s important to clean it regularly to prevent the buildup of food debris, dirt, and grime. Remove the turntable and wash it in warm, soapy water or place it in the dishwasher.
  3. Overheating the vinegar solution: When microwaving the vinegar and water solution to clean the microwave, be careful not to overheat it. Follow the instructions in Section 4 and monitor the microwave closely to avoid overheating the solution.
  4. Forgetting to wipe down the interior walls: When cleaning the microwave, don’t forget to wipe down the interior walls with a damp cloth. This will help to remove any remaining vinegar solution and leave the microwave looking and smelling fresh.

Alternative Vinegar Microwave Cleaner Options

If you’re looking for an alternative to using a vinegar solution to clean your microwave, there are a few other natural cleaning options that you can consider:

Cleaning IngredientHow to Use
Lemon juiceMix equal parts lemon juice and water in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 3-5 minutes. Wipe down the interior of the microwave with a damp cloth.
Baking sodaMix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 cup of water in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 2-3 minutes. Wipe down the interior of the microwave with a damp cloth.
Water and dish soapMix 1 cup of water with a few drops of dish soap in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 1-2 minutes. Wipe down the interior of the microwave with a damp cloth.

By avoiding these common cleaning mistakes and considering some alternative cleaning options, you can keep your microwave clean and functioning well for years to come.

How to Clean a Smelly Microwave with Vinegar

If your microwave smells bad, it’s a clear indication that it’s time to clean it. Fortunately, vinegar can help you get rid of the unpleasant odors. Follow these simple steps to clean your smelly microwave with vinegar:

  1. Fill a microwave-safe bowl with one cup of water and one tablespoon of white vinegar.
  2. Place the bowl in the microwave and turn it on for five minutes on high power.
  3. Let the bowl sit inside the microwave for a few minutes after the timer goes off to allow the steam to loosen any stuck-on grime and deodorize the appliance.
  4. Carefully remove the bowl from the microwave, and use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe down the interior of the microwave.
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If there are any stubborn stains or food residue, repeat the process or use a vinegar solution to scrub them off. Be sure to rinse the area with a damp cloth when you’re done.

To prevent unpleasant smells from building up in your microwave, wipe it down after each use and avoid heating strong-smelling foods like fish or garlic for too long. You can also place a bowl with a lemon slice and water in the microwave and heat it for three to five minutes to freshen it up.

How to Clean a Stained Microwave with Vinegar

If your microwave has stubborn stains that won’t come off, vinegar may be the solution you’re looking for. Here is an easy guide on how to clean a stained microwave with vinegar.

Gather Your Materials

To clean a stained microwave with vinegar, you will need:

Materials:WaterVinegarMicrowave-safe bowlClean sponge or cloth

Create Your Cleaning Solution

Mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a microwave-safe bowl. Place the bowl inside the microwave and turn it on at high power for 5 minutes. Allow the steam to build up inside the microwave, then turn it off and let the steam sit for another 5 to 10 minutes. The steam will help loosen the stains and make them easier to wipe away.

Pro Tip: If you have a particularly stubborn stain, try adding a few drops of lemon juice to the vinegar and water mixture for extra cleaning power.

Clean the Microwave Interior

After the steam has had time to work, carefully remove the bowl from the microwave using oven mitts or a towel. Use a clean sponge or cloth to wipe away any stains or spills inside the microwave. For tough stains, dip the sponge or cloth in the vinegar and water mixture and scrub gently until the stain comes off. Rinse the sponge or cloth frequently to avoid spreading the stain.

Clean the Turntable

Remove the turntable from the microwave and soak it in a sink filled with warm, soapy water for a few minutes. Wipe away any stains or spills using a sponge or cloth. Rinse the turntable and dry with a clean towel before placing it back in the microwave.

Clean the Exterior

To clean the exterior of the microwave, dip a clean sponge or cloth in the vinegar and water mixture and wipe down the surfaces. For any stubborn stains, use a baking soda and water paste to scrub the area gently. Rinse the sponge or cloth with water and dry with a clean towel.

By following these simple steps, you can easily clean your stained microwave with a natural and effective solution – vinegar!

How to Clean Your Microwave’s Exterior with Vinegar

When it comes to cleaning the exterior of your microwave, vinegar can be a useful cleaning solution. Here are some easy steps to follow:

  1. Mix together a solution of equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  2. Spray the solution onto the exterior of the microwave, but avoid spraying the control panel or any electrical parts.
  3. Wipe the exterior down with a clean, damp cloth.
  4. If there are stubborn stains, consider using a baking soda and water paste to scrub them away.
  5. Dry the exterior with a clean towel to prevent any spotting.

It’s important to note that vinegar may not be suitable for all types of microwave exteriors, especially those made of stainless steel. In these cases, it’s best to follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions or use a specialized stainless steel cleaner.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about Cleaning Your Microwave with Vinegar

Q: How often should I clean my microwave with vinegar?

A: It’s recommended to clean your microwave with vinegar once a week if it’s used frequently. However, if it’s only used occasionally, once a month may suffice.

Q: Can I use any type of vinegar to clean my microwave?

A: Yes, you can use any type of vinegar, such as white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Both are effective for cleaning the microwave.

Q: Is it safe to microwave vinegar?

A: Yes, it’s safe to microwave vinegar. However, it’s important to dilute the vinegar with water and use a microwave-safe bowl to prevent any accidents.

Additional FAQ:

Q: Can I use other natural cleaning solutions instead of vinegar for my microwave?

A: Yes, there are other natural cleaning solutions you can use, such as lemon juice or baking soda. However, vinegar is one of the most effective and accessible options.

Q: How long should I microwave the vinegar solution for?

A: It’s recommended to microwave the vinegar solution for 5-10 minutes, depending on the severity of the stains or smells.

Q: What if my microwave still smells after cleaning it with vinegar?

A: If your microwave still smells after cleaning it with vinegar, you can try leaving a bowl of baking soda or coffee grounds inside it overnight to absorb any remaining odors.

Q: Can I use the vinegar solution to clean the microwave’s exterior?

A: Yes, the vinegar solution can be used to clean the exterior of the microwave, as well as other appliances and surfaces around your home.

Q: Is it necessary to rinse the microwave after cleaning it with vinegar?

A: It’s recommended to wipe down the interior of the microwave with a clean, damp cloth to remove any leftover vinegar residue. However, rinsing is not necessary.

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